Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu
My name is Zorro and I will tell you something about myself. I am intelligent, caring for my caregiver, and I communicate excellently. Every time I leave the box it's a lot of happiness for me, but that's no surprise. When I see a caregiver, my eyes immediately sparkle and I stomp and squeal expectantly. I am a perfect companion for long walks, I love to run, jump or roll in the grass from time to time. When there is a moment of rest, I sit quietly next to the caregiver and use this time for hugs. I walk perfectly on a leash! I bark at the dogs I pass, but when I have a chance to sniff them, there is no trace of aggression in me, I communicate perfectly with the other dog. I could go to a home with another dog, of course after getting to know each other and going on a few walks together, but the resident dog must be a calm, balanced and unobtrusive dog. I am definitely not a dog individual, I really need the closeness and support of my guardian. On walks, from time to time I look around for a person and run up for a little caress.
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